
Welcome to the official website of the
International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics (SIDG)

The society's main aims
The society's main aims are:
The international promotion of dialectology and geolinguistics, open to all theoretical and methodological approaches; the collaboration with all institutions concerned with dialectology and geolinguistics; the exchange of knowledge in the domain of dialectology and geolinguistics, in particular with regard to new theories and methods; the collaboration with all disciplines that contribute to the advancement of dialectology; the forming of groups united by particular scientific interests, under supervision of the central Organs.
The Support of international enterprises, in the first place of those already in progress, such as the Atlas Linguarum Europae, the Panslavic Atlas, the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, and the linguistic-group atlases initiated within the ALE (Atlas Linguistique Roman, The Finnic Linguistic Atlas, The Germanic Linguistic Atlas, The Celtic Linguistic Atlas, etc.)
The preservation, in whatever form, of data, of dialects, of Jargons and slangs, of terminologies of traditional trades and of any other linguistic forms associated with disappearing ways of life.
The assistance to groups of researchers interested in the recording and study of dialects.
The scientific study of minority languages and dialects, also with a view to their safeguard, in conformity with the declaration of human rights.
The Society publishes annually a Journal, Dialectologia et Geolinguistica (DiG). The first issue of the Journal was published in 1993. The Society’s congresses were held in Budapest (1993), Amsterdam (1997), Lublin (2000), Riga (2003), Braga (2006),Maribor (2009), Vienna (2012), Famagusta (2015), Vilnius (2018) and Bucharest (2023).